Thursday, July 28, 2005


Some intelligent person pointed me to the internet page detailing the exact moment in history when Capri pants became “Capri pants” (it’s a co-conspiracy of the French & Italians). Of course, they used to just be called “fishermen’s pants” (see, they’ve always STUNK). In Europe, apparently, rolling up normal pants was a monumental fucking task.

Which brings me to the pic at right. I know for a fact that her Capri pants had NOTHING to do with the catching of this fish. I also know that, not only is this girl not a fisherman, she actually didn’t catch that fish at all. That’s because this is a stock photo, created for ad people like me who happen to be looking for a cute shot of a girl catching a big fish while wearing stupid pants.

So there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I too, hate capri pants. Because you are a NYCer, you probably never got to see the Funniest Commercial in the History of Time(tm) for a New England chain of men's clothing stores called "Bob's Stores," where an italian fashion merchant tries to sell who we are to presume is Bob on the notion of capri pants for men. As "Bob" strokes his non-existant beard he has a little day dream of one of his customers wearing kahki capri pants in a random store and having the geeky teenage sales help come up and innocently say "Can I help you maam?"...said customer turns around and stares with a look os disbelief and simply says "What...?"

Oh it's gold, I tell you.

9:56 AM  

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