Previous Posts
- I choose "c", none of the above.
- If a woman's wearing Capri Pants, honestly, it doe...
- do NOT give peace a chance.
- Cargo Shorts vs. Capri Pants
- Next Stop: Dr. Chopmyballsoff.
- Pink Flamingos. The Pants.
- What to wear to your next WTO protest
- An Army Of Dumb.
- Pom-Pom Capris
- I said it before, and I'll say it again...
Friday, June 09, 2006
yup....he's a DYCK
Are "BIG" Balls the new: "IT" thing??????
holy hell...his pants are capris because his package is TOOOOOOO big. hahaha...
yikes! that is bad.. and not in a good way ;p lol...
1 question tho, if u hate capri pants so much, why are u devoting a whole blog to posting photos of them? seems like a waste of time...
of COURSE it's a waste of time.
I love my capris and they are so comfortable. can't women just be comfortable sometimes and not give a shit what a man thinks.
I used to xlovex capris. Thanks to Trent of Pink Is The New Blog (where I found the link to this site), everytime I CONSIDER putting on capris I think "Dear god. What if Trent saw me??" Now if I ever consider wearing them I'll think..."Great. If Trent or copyranter saw me, they'd murder me." Thanks for stopping me from making a TERRIBLE MISTAKE.
"Scary Mary," if you're actually serious, you're an idiot.
Copyranter, I won't be coming here again so I won't see any reply you leave, but this is the stupidest website I've ever come across. You post the ugliest pants ever and it's not even the capri part that's making them ugly... What's the point?
At least Trent hates capri pants in 2006. You're hating capri pants in 1981! CRAZY
i am forwarding a link to this blog to my brother-in-law who has a passion for manpri's. i get confused by his love of the short pant.
hahaha ;p
I hated capri pants until I moved to where it reaches 90 degrees in April and stays there til October. If I wore regular length pants I'd combust during the short walk from my apartment to my car, and my job doesn't allow shorts. But I still hate capris on everyone else. At least I know I'm doing it because I have no other choice.
'bout time someone pointed out how ugly they are. Now we need a sight that thinks those bloody crocs, crocks or wahtever they are called are stupid too. They look like gardening shoes. WTF? "but they're soooooo comfortable!" Who cares, they are out of place on the streets and make grownups look retarted. GROW UP!!
is that camel toe?
I haven't laughed this hard all day, and I'm here alone. I don't know what that means.
Brooks Blog
This is seriously the gayest thing I have ever seen.
Is that a big black penis on his jacket?? Is it meant to reflect what is going on in his pants?
The fact that it's pointing up has a subliminal message which is that he's a dickhead.
The Tent Pitcher jacket with BumperNutz pants - when you want her to say, "I'm looking at the biggest tool I've ever seen in my life."
No, no, wait. I'm calling photoshop. That's CAN'T be real.
This is THE picture definition of douchebag...!!!
Looks like somebody went "Back to School" shopping. He'll probably complain that he gets bullied at school. Yikes! So, what's the difference between Capri pants and the long shorts guys wear nowadays?
This is all too funny. Made my day!
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